A Better Path Counseling

Port Orchard Individual Counseling, Counseling Services and Teen Counseling

(253) 678-0207

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Port Orchard marriage counseling

If you are experiencing challenges in your marriage, A Better Path Counseling counseling services in the Port Orchard area can provide the guidance needed to identify and resolve core and underlying issues that threaten the harmony in your relationship. A good marriage requires mutual commitment and shared goals. A licensed professional can assist you in rebuilding your relationship and make it as strong and loving as it once was.

Is it time to turn your marriage around?

The average couple often waits until problems become severe before seeking marriage counseling. Unfortunately, unaddressed relationship problems often worsen with time. A Better Path Counseling’s caring and skilled therapist, John Shobe in the Port Orchard region is experienced and trained to understand the particular dynamics that confront many married couples today.

Do you feel alienated from your partner and experience ongoing stress about the state of your marriage? Do you find yourself thinking any of the following:

  • I don’t feel understood by my partner
  • I am tired of fighting
  • I am trying hard to make it work but it is not getting better
  • How can we rekindle the intimacy and passion we had at the beginning of our relationship?
  • Do we have a future together?

Identify the challenges within your marriage.

A Better Path Counseling helps couples identify precise problem areas and begins therapy with a full relationship assessment. Learn how to:

  • Listen and understand each other
  • Effectively communicate
  • Resolve conflict with win/win solutions
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Improve trust
  • Have fun and enjoy time together
  • Reignite the passion in your relationship

Create a set of common goals for your marriage.

Qualified A Better Path Counseling therapists in Port Orchard help married couples create a set of specific shared goals to put into practice in everyday life. There is hope for your marriage – Contact John Shobe (253) 678-0207 to make a fresh start.